Strawberry Cream Brulee Milk

Product Description

Materials for 500cc

  1. Creme Brulee Powder 50g
  2. Fresh Cream 150g
  3. Non-Dairy Creamer 30g
  4. Hot Water 150ml
  5. Strawberry Syrup 50ml
  6. Ice Cubes
  7. Original Flavor Jelly Balls 60g


  1. Put creamer, hot water, strawberry syrup and ice cubes in the shaker and mix it well.
  2. Pour Creme Brulee Powder and fresh cream in a pot and use mixer to blend them together at high speed until peaks form.
  3. Put jelly balls, strawberry milk and cream brulee in order.
  4. Sprinkle raw brown sugar and torch it.

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